Read! Write! Think! Together, we can bring great changes to the world!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Things I'd Hate to "Savor"

"I lived more in the present: savoring hunger, exhaustion, anxiety for my family, humiliations...most of all humiliations (Wiesenthal 9)."

Using this sentence, write a sentence of your own that copies this structure. You might even try to use a powerful verb like "savor" that brings a strong, contrasting connotation! Put your sentence in a comment on my blog post.

Loose and Periodic Sentences

Read the following sentence. What are the effects of the author's structural choices?

"It was his idea that there is such a thing as a first-hand opinion; an original opinion; an opinion which is coldly reasoned out in a man's head, by a searching analysis of the facts involved, with the heart unconsulted, and the jury room closed against outside influences."

Using this sentence as a model, write one with a similar structure about anything you wish. Post this sentence as a comment on my blog.